The young masterapos

The young masterapos

classification: Science fiction
update: 9分鐘前

An Tianxiang's domestic business is in a stable development state. On the contrary, Swedish projects need to be specifically followed up and developed. Starting with opening up the Swedish market, it will open up the international market. Taking this opportunity, focus on managing key areas, and the career will surely have a qualitative leap. 。Upon arriving in Sweden, Yang Ning followed all of An Tianxiang's arrangements. It turned out that An Tianxiang also had many businesses in Sweden. Yang Ning was truly amazed by An Tianxiang's business acumen and looked up to him with admiration. 。"What is it, staring at me like that" 。An Tianxiang gently stroked Yang Ning's beautiful hair. 。,An Tianxiang knelt on one knee, holding a diamond ring, waiting for Yang Ning's reply. 。Yang Ning was already deeply moved by this thick atmosphere, tears of happiness welled up, and he could no longer speak. 。Carefully extending his right hand, An Tianxiang successfully slipped the ring onto Yang Ning's finger. 。The two embraced and kissed. 。,You provided me with the text: "顧少腹黑妻難逃" Let's break it down:* **顧少 (Gù Shào):** This likely refers to a character named "Gu Shao," which could be interpreted as "Young Master Gu."* **腹黑 (fú hēi):** Means "black belly" and is used to describe someone who is cunning, manipulative, or has hidden intentions. * **妻 (qī):** Means "wife"* **難逃 (nán táo):** Means "difficult to escape," suggesting a situation where the wife is trapped or unable to get away from Gu Shao.Therefore, a literal translation of would be: "You provided me with [author] Mumu Yu's 'Young Master Gu's Black-Bellied Wife Escapes Difficultly.'" Let me know if you have any other Chinese phrases you'd like translated!。

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